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U.S. government to promote electric cars hit the battery capacity bottlenecks

According to foreign media reports, the president is proposing that by 2015 electric cars in the United States reached 100 million of the program. This scheme enables the expensive advanced battery manufacturers benefit, especially South Korea and Japan.

    Although U.S. researchers have developed an advanced electric vehicle batteries, but they lack to make it the product manufacturer. Although Michigan is under the government-funded construction of the battery factory, so that this embarrassing situation gradually improved, but unfortunately slow, and South Korea and Japan will not sit idly by battery manufacturers.

    "In fact, the Asian manufacturers are expanding their large-scale cell production capacity." Argonne National Laboratory (ArgonneNationalLaboratory) deputy project director Mark Peters (MarkPeters) on Thursday said, "We are paying close attention to this. Although we are developing advanced technology, but the United States no industry really mastered them. "

    Critically acclaimed volt car battery General has a new plant in Michigan to be assembled, but the airport near the factory receives is from South Korea's lithium battery.

    Obama has started to fight for re-election, but gasoline prices weakened its support rate. So he fought back, accusing the oil companies and speculators, and demanded an end to oil subsidies and to promote the development of electric vehicles.

    In the radio address he said: "We need to invest in new energy sources, rather than subsidizing old energy."

    But the 1 million electric cars means one million batteries, while the U.S. may not be able to develop lighter, cheaper, more reliable battery of the competition. Since the first election since President Obama, he has been promoting the development of electric vehicle batteries, more recently, in the promotion of renewable energy.

    Los Angeles, he said: "These new electric car battery used is a new industry. But we in the global electric car battery production accounts for only 2% market share. We need to 5 years with 40% market share. "

    Reno, he said: "Detroit is now producing some of the electric car is very good, but the problem is that prices are still high. There are two reasons, one of our battery technology is not advanced enough, but the good news is that, despite electric vehicle batteries at only 2% market share, but we are under the "Recovery Act" by the investment will be 5 years to make this figure up to 40%. "

    According to the U.S. energy secretary, said Steven Chu, in 2010, the Asian countries control 99% of the electric vehicle battery market share. Even by Obama's optimistic estimates, they still hold 60% market share.

    Peters and other researchers said that the U.S. problem is the lack of battery manufacturers. To do this, "Recovery Act" to the battery manufacturers to provide 15 billion dollars. A123 Systems Inc. and other U.S. manufacturers have to build new factories to begin production of the battery.

    Obama said the United States, the second problem is the price of the battery capacity, and this can be resolved by large-scale production. Earlier this month, he said in Pennsylvania:

    "The price of electric vehicle batteries is still somewhat expensive, so we are trying to lower the price. It's like all the other things, such as wind turbines, wind energy and so on. As technology advances, the output will become high, the price will be increasingly lower. as long as you can to increase production to gain economies of scale. "

The article above is transfered from glow plug, and spark plug


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